Michael Malone
Manager of the County & City Councils
I am pleased to be associated with the presentation of the Kilkenny County Council and Borough Council Annual Report for the year 2004.
This year saw progress in various infrastructural projects throughout the County and across all services including roads, water, sewerage, housing, environment which are detailed in this report. Some of these projects are listed hereunder:-
Kilkenny Eastern Environs Link Road.
M8/N8 Cullahill/Cashel Motorway Order - CPO confirmed by An Bord Pleanala.
N9/N10 Kilcullen to Waterford - CPO documentation in preparation.
N77 Kilkenny Ring Road Extension - Tenders for construction received in December 2004.
Ballyragget Waste Water Treatment Plant - Work on new plant to cater for a population of 2000 p.e. completed.
Callan Waste Water Treatment Plant - Upgrade work substantially completed in 2004, plant due to be commissioned by mid-2005.
2004 was an extremely successful year of Kilkenny County Council's recycling programme. By end of 2004, 44 bring sites were in place.
Area Plans adopted for Ballyhale, Knocktopher, Ballyragget, Inistioge, Urlingford & Western Environs, Kilkenny City.
First 6 dwellings provided under Part V Housing Strategy at Mallfield, Thomastown.
37 new houses were completed and allocated at Urlingford (10), Inistioge (8), Piltown (7), Cloghabrody, Thomastown (3), Graiguenamanagh (9).
66 Houses were commenced under the Housing & Construction Programme in 2004.
Provision of playgrounds in five Electoral Areas - planning process advanced.
Litter Management Plan launched in February, 2004.
Corporate Plan 2004 - 2009 passed after an extensive series of consultation with staff, members and management.
Yearly Operational Plan to be put in place early in 2005.
The Council will continue to advance the Belview Area as a major location for Strategic Industry in the South East Region and in this regard we welcome the continued co-operation that exists with the Waterford Port Company.
The continued involvement of the tourism sector working with the Local Authorities in the preparation of a long term strategy for tourism in the County is welcomed.
Work on the establishment of a Heritage Forum is at an advanced stage.
A Draft Arts Strategy is being prepared for presentation in 2005.
Considerable progress is being made in the area of Customer Service.
Customer Service Desk in County Hall is now staffed by two permanent staff.
Lunchtime opening of Receipts Section is now in place.
Lunchtime opening being incorporated throughout County Hall in 2005.
Motor Tax On-Line.
Planning Enquiry facility on-line.
Programme of planned housing maintenance.
Customer complaints procedure.
Customer Action Plan and Customer Charter has been revised.
On-going process of managing change through Partnership was progressed in 2004.
I would like to express my appreciation of the dedication and commitment of the Management Team and Staff of the Council and the hard work of the elected members and, in particular, the contribution of the Cathaoirleach Cllr. Mary-Hilda Cavanagh and her predecessor Bobby Aylward for their commitment and dedication to the development and promotion of the County.
I also wish to express my thanks to the Chairperson and members of each of the Strategic Policy Committees for the excellent work done during the year.
I trust that the Annual Report will be widely read by the people of County Kilkenny and that it will give them a greater insight into the broad range of activities which are undertaken by the Local Authorities.
Mr. Michael Malone,
County Manager.